On Jul 4, 2018, at 7:38 AM, Evilham <contact@evilham.com> wrote:

Am 04.07.2018 um 12:44 schrieb Amber Brown:
You can read the full changelog here:


Please do some testing, and if all goes well, 18.7 will release proper
in a week.

Noticed a documentation issue with #9387 (see #9479) and as I was
preparing a patch for it, I noticed that it implemented `samesite` as an
argument which AFAIU is in violation of Twisted coding style.

Just to illustrate: the same method has another parameter called
`httpOnly` and one called `max_age`. Having `samesite` adds yet a third
style to the same method.
AFAIU, the Naming Convention suggests it should be `sameSite` instead.

Opened another ticket for that (#9480). Since once this is released,
it's pretty much un-changable, I would think it's release critical;
"Release blocker: Regression" sounded like the most suitable tag.

See Pull Request: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/1036

Hmm. It does look like in most other contexts this is presented as two words: https://caniuse.com/#search=samesite so I think I agree with Evilham; let's fix it now.

Thanks for paying such close attention to detail!
