Ken Whitesell <kwhitesell@adelphia.net> writes:
1) The docs I'd like to see would be of a more tutorial nature - it would seem to me that they would be the easiest way to reach a "lights on" stage. The sample code is good - and the finger tutorial is fine (for what it addresses) - but there are still lots of bits & pieces that seem to be hidden.
I agree with you. Twisted may be easy for who know python very well and can dig through pydoc, epydoc and so on. It's a pain for beginners. If Twisted had a good documentation, tutorial, howtos, it would gain lots of new users and developers. I am trying to write some tutorials by myself and helping some friends who is trying to learn Twisted and Twisted.web. This tutorial is on early stage, if someone else is doing the same, I think we could join efforts and make a good tutorial and also explore these pieces that seem to be hidden.