Hi, I have been submitting many patches to get buildbot working on Python 3: http://bit.ly/2jCCMPW I have run into one problem involving inlineCallback, Deferred, and yield which I am having difficulty solving. Can someone help me? If I do the following inside a Python 3 virtualenv to set things up: git clone https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot buildbot_test cd buildbot_test pip install -e pkg pip install -e worker pip install -e 'master[tls,tests]' trial buildbot.test.unit.test_process_buildrequestdistributor I get this error: ================================================================== File "/Users/crodrigues/buildbot_test/master/buildbot/process/buildrequestdistributor.py", line 93, in <lambda>^M brdicts.sort(key=lambda brd: brd['submitted_at']) builtins.TypeError: 'Deferred' object is not subscriptable buildbot.test.unit.test_process_buildrequestdistributor.TestMaybeStartBuilds.test_slow_db^M ================================================================== The code causing this problem is on line 93 of master/buildbot/process/buildrequestdistributor.py: 78 @defer.inlineCallbacks 79 def _fetchUnclaimedBrdicts(self): 80 # Sets up a cache of all the unclaimed brdicts. The cache is 81 # saved at self.unclaimedBrdicts cache. If the cache already 82 # exists, this function does nothing. If a refetch is desired, set 83 # the self.unclaimedBrdicts to None before calling.""" 84 if self.unclaimedBrdicts is None: 85 # TODO: use order of the DATA API 86 brdicts = yield self.master.data.get(('builders', 87 (yield self.bldr.getBuilderId()), 88 'buildrequests'), 89 [resultspec.Filter('claimed', 90 'eq', 91 [False])]) 92 # sort by submitted_at, so the first is the oldest 93 brdicts.sort(key=lambda brd: brd['submitted_at']) 94 self.unclaimedBrdicts = brdicts 95 defer.returnValue(self.unclaimedBrdicts) If I run the test on Python 2, I don't get the error, and on line 93, brdicts is a dict. However, if I run the test on Python 3, brdicts is a Deferred, thus the error. Can someone point me in the right direction for solving this problem? I am not so familiar with the differences in generators and Deferreds between Python 2 and 3. Thanks. -- Craig