On 6 Mar 2022, at 08:41, Adi Roiban <adiroiban@gmail.com> wrote:
This is a briefing with the current small issues that we have with the release process, as asked by Glyph. If you can help, answer here, or better, try to hangout over Matrix / Gitter [1]
The current release process is documented here
The release process asked for a tag with the name like `twisted-22.2.4` to be created via the GitHub Release UI. But it looks like the GitHub UI no longer thinks that this is a valid tag name. I got an error and to work around this I have manually created the tag...and then GitHub was happy.
Thank you github! Your tarballs as downloaded from github use a top level folder of twisted-twisted-22.2.4.
Not sure if it is a bug in GitHub... or maybe better change the tag convention to `v22.2.4` or something like that.
The tag is better as 22.2.4 then a tarball downloaded from github uses the expected naming of the top level folder into the tarball. Now the top level folder will be twisted-22.2.4. The "v" is not useful as far as I can tell. Barry
The CI release branch for the release branch is most of the time red due to towncrier who fails if there are no fragments for a branch, but the release branch should have no fragments. Basically, the release branch should be red if newsfragments are present.
This behaviour was improved in the latest towncrier version. So if someone has time, it would help to start using the new towncrier version. PR welcomed. I can help with the review
The current release process has little info about how to handle security issues and GitHub security advisories. I guess that security advisories are related to the release process, so this should be documented in the same place.
For the last releases, we did ad-hoc and trial and error management for the GitHub security advisories.
If anyone has time, it would help to update the current release documentation to cover this aspect.
There were suggestion over the chat of doing something similar to Django or OpenSSL, but I think that we need something simple, suitable for the level of development resources currently available to Twisted. -------------
Not 100% related with the release... but somehow related. We are using an older version of pydoctor to generate the api documentation There is a never version of pydoctor with a lot of improvements, including a read the docs theme, that should help integrate the API docs with the narrative docs.
[1] https://gitter.im/twisted/twisted
-- Adi Roiban _______________________________________________ Twisted mailing list -- twisted@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to twisted-leave@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/twisted.python.org/ Message archived at https://mail.python.org/archives/list/twisted@python.org/message/U3QIUD4UNUK... Code of Conduct: https://twisted.org/conduct