Hi, I/We plan to migrate the existing Trac Ticket database to twisted/twisted GitHub Issues. Here is a preview of a migrated Trac Ticket https://github.com/chevah/trac-migration-staging/issues/71 Any feedback or help is appreciated. Things to check: * Note that comment date and time is the same as from Trac... but author is not. * Author is included with an avatar in the comment * The attachments are lists * Trac wiki format is not fully converted ... I think it's good enough. If anyone wants to help, please contribute with the code to convert from Trac wiki to GitHub flawored Markdown. * The ticket metadata is kept in the initial comment, in a format that is not human-readable but should make it easy to use the GitHub Issues search to do a match. The GitHub search is very relaxed in terms of hyphens and this is why 2 underscores are used. * Any comments or concerns about using the Trac data without approval from the original Trac ticket authors. * Comment if the table from the first comment should include other data. * Comment/feedback about to migrate, use, or implementing the CC field functionality. Things that will be different for the final migration. * All the comments will be made by an "import-robot" account. The current "danuker" account is Dan's account while he is helping with the development, and trying to keep it simple. Unknown users will have the "GitHub Ghost" avatar and not the current robot avatar. * The initial comment will have the Ticket creation data. Now it has the "Last changed" date. ----------------- The hard work is done by Dan and you can leave your feedback on this PR https://github.com/chevah/trac-to-github/pull/23 This that still needs to be done: * See how to map from Ticket ID to GitHub Issue ID. * Associate each issue with a milestone . This should be a direct mapping from Trac to GitHub * Decide colors for the labels :) * Handle the label for closed tickets - decide what convention to use to decide the close resolution for a ticket ... most probably we will use labels. There are still many things left to be done. We will not do the migration directly to twisted/twisted. After this initial round of feedback, the plan is to do the migration in the testing/staging repo, using the exact code for production. The staging repo will be similar to the current twisted/twisted repo, with already existing PRs. We can then wait for some time for feedback and if all is ok, we can do the migration in PROD. Thanks! -- Adi Roiban