A few months ago, the question of an official process for obtaining commit access was raised. The discussion lead to this proposal - https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Proposal/ContributorAdvancementPath <https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Proposal/ContributorAdvancementPath>. I like that proposal, but it is still incomplete: to wit, it defines a template for how roles might be defined but does not actually define any roles. It also seems to be a bit overly ambitious, just from the observed reaction of nobody having the time to implement it :). So I have a proposal for a scaled back process that nevertheless would give us something official-ish: Not all committers are actively involved in the project at all times, so we should form a "committer committee" of people who are interested in evaluating candidates. If you would like to do that and you're already a committer, please contact me and I'll add you to the list. I want to do this so there's somewhere to apply to which isn't just a public mailing list or discussion, since public discussions can create social pressure to grant someone commit just to be nice, and rejections might be perceived as mean. Candidates should submit an application to this new list, commit@twistedmatrix.com <mailto:commit@twistedmatrix.com> which is a list of links to at least 10 tickets, at least 5 of which are patches they've submitted, and at least 5 of which are code reviews they've done which have been accepted by a committer. At least 2 of their authored patches should have gone all the way through the process to be landed. As with the other parts of our process, if there is at least one sponsor, and no objections from anyone on the committee within 7 days, any member of the committee may add the committer. New committers should then be announced on the mailing list. This is not really an ideal process - particularly, it lacks a good way to give contributors something specific and useful to do - but it's something at least. If there is general assent that this is an improvement, I'll go make a wiki page and a mailing list. -glyph