On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 11:27 AM Adi Roiban <adi@roiban.ro> wrote:
So, speaking for myself here and not representing the Twisted community or anyone else.
Thanks for making this clear that you are speaking for yourself and no one else.
* A release blocker bug - https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/10069
For this particular bug, I have been working on getting feedback from Tom Most, under https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/1502 and am working on a fix to incorporate his feedback. This some central code is in base.py, and I am proceeding cautiously to make sure that I fully understand Tom's concern and am working on a fix. I apologize if I have not been working fast enough on this release to your satisfaction. I will attempt to communicate better on this list my progress. I didn't want to bring this up on the mailing list. I will take your behavior as enthusiasm for the project, but despite the e-mail that Glyph sent, I still find your behavior very aggressive (and unappreciated). In your e-mail you are throwing out timelines, which may be "friendly suggestions" on your part, but can come across as deadlines/ultimatums. For now, I am focusing on the final issue, and will proceed with the release as best as I am able, and communicate to the Twisted community my progress. -- Craig