Or we could just use Brian's example. David Kao On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 9:19 PM, David Kao <a.libran@gmail.com> wrote:
I almost gave up choosing twisted until I found this explanation
which basically says a remote_method can return a deferred. In this case, the PB server won't return the result of the Deferred back to the client until the server-side callback fires. The result of the remote_method is then returned to the client, which then triggers client side's deferred callback.
So, I thought one of the following would be helpful:
1) An example showing remote_method returning a deferred
2) A section named "Server side remote_* methods can be async by returning deferreds" could be added as a 7th item in
I spent some quality 30+ hours carefully reading 90% of the
and I do not remember picking this subtlety up. (Or you can point me the right place in doc.) (great doc btw.)
Should I submit an improvement ticket for this? I could also make the server side example using Echoer, remote_echo, and deferToThread just so that whoever fixes the ticket can just copy and paste.
David Kao