Itamar Shtull-Trauring wrote:
Well... it's probably hard to find something as powerful and extensive as Twisted. So if your choice is building all this infrastructure on some other framework, or just helping improve Twisted's IOCP support (if you find it necessary), why not do the later? :)
I guess you are right. I've worked with IOCP back in my C++ days, and I really liked the performance. Maybe what I should do is put together a simple application and do some benchmarking, to compare performance of IOCP reactor and select reactor on Windows (and of my existing application, which uses TurboGears/CherryPy and Python's built-in XMLRPC server). I'll keep you posted. Is this <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/browser/branches/iocpreactor-1760-3> the branch you mentioned?