On 1 October 2012 16:52, Itamar Turner-Trauring <itamar@futurefoundries.com>wrote:
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 5:38 AM, Paul Wiseman <poalman@gmail.com> wrote:
I made an api for the web requests- the call isn't so straightforward, all the information is sent in POST formatted a certain way and there's also a credentials part with a token and other bits with secrets used to auth the request. So for instance I call the list dir method in the api and get back a Response type object based on the web response. Is there still way I can defer the returning of that web call, or would I need to tear the api apart to use twisted deferred objects internally? or is this something Agent could deal with?
Agent could certainly deal with this; alternatively, if you're using a blocking API you could use deferToThread (make sure the function you call that way doesn't touch any global state or call any Twisted APIs.)
-- Itamar Turner-Trauring, Future Foundries LLC http://futurefoundries.com/ — Twisted consulting, training and support.
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This is twisting my brain slightly. what if I have more than 1 blocking call to make in the list dir call? One area that is especially confusing for me is where I have those blocking webcalls in a recursive method. Because the api needs a folder's unique id to return a folder list, if for instance someone requests a file/folder 10 levels deep, the list dir will need to walk up the path until it finds a cached node that it has an id for, and then walk back down the path listing the folders using the api. I read about chained deferreds and I think that might be the way to go but I'm not sure how I'd chain them together as 1 webcall needs the id from its parent folder they all need to be executed in a chain, but return down the recursive method stack Are there any examples of how I could make a recursive function with deferreds?