I have a couple questions regarding txjsonrpc ( https://github.com/oubiwann/txjsonrpc/) in connection with the recent addition of version 2.0 support. * How complete is the version 2.0 support? I had actually tried some years ago to add v2.0 support, but gave up due to some issues I no longer fully recall. Are there any known issues with the present implementation? * I noticed that all results are wrapped in an array (see netstring version at https://github.com/oubiwann/txjsonrpc/blob/master/txjsonrpc/netstring/jsonrp..., but the web implementation has the same code.). This seems odd, as a jsonrpc result can be any valid json value, including a string, integer, array, or dict. The result is that on the client end, what I return from the function call as {"a": "b"} is received as [{"a": "b"}]. Is there some reason for this? Would a patch altering this behavior (perhaps optionally) be accepted? Thanks in advance for any help on these two questions. Matthew Williams