Hello twisted-ppl, Attached you'll find three short patches, two against t.w.widgets.RenderSession and one against t.p.http.Request. The first patch makes RenderSession unicode-agnostic (i.e. makes it treat string and unicode object alike). The second one makes t.p.http.Request aware of unicode, to the extent that it will correctly handle unicode strings with all ordinals < 128 (by simply str'ing them). The last patch makes RenderSession.callback return the result it was passed, so that later callbacks made by the given Deferred also benefit from this knowledge. It had completely escaped me that Deferred._runCallbacks acts like a folding operation, last I poked around in the code. Regards, -- Sune Kirkeby | % cat /usr/include/sys/errno.h | #define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */ | [...] | #define EMACS 666 /* Editor Too Large */