A few comments made by other people on IRC that I want to make sure are archived somewhere, because maybe they things I've seen while trying to clean up freshcvs persistability recently. The context is a discussion of exarkun's upcoming patch, based on the one in the start of this thread. <glyph> exarkun: listenWith ought to say something about the persistability of the IListeningPort being passed in. <exarkun> glyph: it's taking a class/type - those should always be persistable, yea? <glyph> exarkun: Not necessarily; sockets aren't persistable, so it's easy to screw up a ListeningPort instance :-) <exarkun> Ahh, hmm <glyph> oh wait, hang on, you're right ... <glyph> This illustrates a serious flaw in the design of Application :-\ <glyph> or well, not serious, but annoying. <glyph> Really we ought not be storing constructor arguments, we should be storing state objects. * exarkun nods, "That would be better." <glyph> That's the way it started out, but when the reactor refactor happened this didn't get cleaned up like it should have. (Some settling may have occurred during transcription.) -- The moon is waning crescent, 6.0% illuminated, 27.2 days old.