On Tue, 2006-02-28 at 22:40 +0000, Richard Townsend wrote:
"Any objection to our diabolical plan to integrate wstools into ZSI and shove SOAPpy to a second class status? We'd like to converge on a single python web services solution, but we're working hard to make sure SOAPpy users can do in ZSI what they can do in SOAPpy..."
What effect will this development have on support for SOAP in Twisted?
twisted-web mailing list is probably right place for this question, but since I'm not subscribed there - I've not really been maintaining twisted.web.soap anyway; SOAPpy kept changing basic APIs for parsing SOAP queries, and it was annoying to keep up with. If it works maybe that means they finally stabilized. I suggest opening a bug in the tracker for ZSI support for web2. XML-RPC should be going in sometime soon so you can look at it for inspiration if you want to implement it yourself.