Quoting IloChab <ilochab@gmail.com>:
I'm almost new with twisted and I'm going to implement a new application that will use Perspective Broker.
I'll need logging facilities like python's logging module, in particular filtering functions and one logging server per node. I thought I could use twisted log-observers, but I saw i can't use socket into them.
Why? It may be a bit tricky, and it currently doesn't exist, but there's no immediate problem with doing that (without thinking about it much, though).
So my questions are: can I use python logging module into a twisted application?
Yes, there's a PythonLoggingObserver (only in trunk) to do that.
can I use socket that I handle by my self into a twisted application?
If you mean using the logging socket handler, no you can't do that, because it's blocking. -- Thomas