... Contrary I’m not a super fan of having one opaque blob on server; the transparent structure of a virtualenv is something I learned to appreciate. ...
A zipfile containing a virtualenv (pex) isn't all that opaque -- with the right editor plugins, you can even *cough* edit the contained source inside one.
Back when pex was a lot younger, this was handy for quick debugging as we were migrating from source-in-venvs-on-bare-metal-chroots to pexed-in-mesos-containers
To be clear: I’m not trying to talk anybody out of using pex. :) I’m just saying there’s a slight downside (+ another tool) and no tangible upsides in Docker for me so it’s not a good fit for me. That said, I’m gonna try it out in my deb-based deployments (contrary to popular believe, you can’t/shouldn’t put *everything* into containers) because we run ZFS and apt-get + lots of files in a deb = omgiwannamurdersomeone.