On Sep 30, 2017, at 3:14 PM, Adi Roiban <adi@roiban.ro> wrote:I am restarting this discussion
I am starting a new thread since I want to keep the focus on the
review process / workflow / markers, and not on the things required to
accept a PR or do a review.
----------Proposing: Just open a pull request. Any open pull request should be treated as part of the queue.
I don't like this. If you are not a comitter, you need to open a PR to
trigger the tests.
So you want to first open a PR, then wait for tests to execute, then
fix and only after that to request the review.
We can start with setting the title to have "[WIP]" marker, to let
others know that this is not yet ready... but then when changes are
required, the reviewer will have to set the WIP marker again.. and if
the reviewer is not a team member, it will not have rights to edit the
But I hope that we can have a bot which once a "please review" comment
is left, it will set a label.
Accepting: A committer pushes the big green button;
+1 ... but maybe also leave a comment :)
Reviewing: This is the potentially slightly odd part. I believe a review that doesn't result in acceptance should close the PR. We need to be careful to always include some text that explains that closing a PR does not mean that the change is rejected, just that the submitter must re-submit. Initially this would just mean opening a new PR, but Mark Williams is working on a bot to re-open pull requests when a submitter posts a "please review" comment: https://github.com/markrwilliams/txghbot
Since we will have a bot for "please review", why not use the same bot
to set a label on "please make changes" ?
I think that closing a PR should mean that the work on that branch is
rejected :)
Responding: A submitter can open a new PR, or, once we start running txghbot, reopen their closed PR.
As commented above, I am +1 for leaving a "please review" comment and
having a bot updating the labels.Viewing: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pulls?utf8=✓&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+-status%3Afailed
One we get the "please-review" and "changes-needed" labels it should
be eaiser to view the queue.
Whem multiple reviewers are required, you can use the dedicated GitHub
Review message and approve it without hiting the merge button.
I have no idea how other projects are managing the review queue.
Please send your feedback.
If we agree on a process based on managing the labes, I can work on
implemeting the required logic with a bot and GitHub hooks.
We can also start by using the WIP marker
* while preparing the PR
* once changes are required and the author works on addressing the
changes requsted on review
Any PR which is open and does not have the WIP marker means that is
part of the queue.
PS: I have checked pyca/crypography but I don't see any pattern there
and a lot of PR are merged without any comment