On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 2:15 PM, <exarkun@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
On 6 Oct, 02:47 pm, petshmidt@googlemail.com wrote:
calling in client code self.cred.login() I can't print login result. What I'm doing wrong? login method returns deffered, but should yield result from callRemote method.
Thanks for any help!
class Cred:
@inlineCallbacks def login(self): proxy = Proxy(LOGIN_PROXY) l = {"user":LOGIN_USERNAME, "pass":LOGIN_PASSWD} loginResult = yield proxy.callRemote('login', l) print "RESULT", loginResult.result returnValue(loginResult)
It's hard to tell what's going wrong since this example isn't complete. If I assume I know what Proxy does, then the code basically looks right - although I suspect you only want to print "loginResult", not "loginResult.result". If you can post an sscce - http://sscce.org/ - someone might be able to be of more help.
Hi, I've misunderstood the concept of inlinecallbacks. I've thought they makes deferred blocking "again" so execution of code stops until result is available and didn't catch any errors of Proxy. Because connection failed, there was no error and no result. I've finally realized that inlinecallbacks do not change behavior of deferred and now I simply use my login function as deferred with callbacks and errbacks Pet
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