Hi Jessica! I'm quite a newbie at twisted yet, and a newcomer to the project, so I do think that twisted documentation is one of it's more problematic areas!. My suggestion would be that more than *adding* documentation, I would suggest to first search-and-destroy deprecated documentation. For me, one of the most frustrating parts of using twisted was reading through the twisted core doc, trying to do things and failing, and then accessing #twisted and get people tell me thinks like 'oh, tap/tac/tml/mktap are no longer used', or things like that (I don't yet know which ones are supposed to be used and which don't). I understand that *rewriting* outdated doc is a major task, that's why I just suggest deleting it ;) (maybe in a new Revised Twiste Doc section of the web site or the like), then it probably would be clearer where to start and what needs most work. It could also be a good idea to try to make it more wiki-like at the beginning; I think there's quite a lot of people that would like to contribute with this, but having different documents/styles for different areas of the doc is not good, a wiki like doc might allow some people to work on giving a more cohesive look to the whole doc, and others to add the meat and bones, provide examples, etc, while allowing everyone to review it easily. Thinking about it, of course a doc on SVN would help in the same way ;). Truth is that I really don't know which are twisted best practices at the time (what I do works, but I don't know if it's the best way to do it), and checking outdated doc just confuses things even more... better no doc at all. I stop my suggestions here before someone yells me 'then do it!' :). -- Santiago