Hi Rasjid:
It might be possible to create a new twisted reactor that integrates into the python com server event loop. That would presumably be the correct way to deal with this. But that would seem like far more work that I have time to devote to this problem at this time.
Hopefully, I understood your problem correctly... If you are willing to use Stackless Python, I would recommend you use Christopher Armstrong's threadlesss.py blockOn function. This would allow Twisted calls to block. A few months ago, I posted a solution that would work, but it would be overkill. I am also curious why you can't use inline callbacks? If I can find the time, I will post an example.
So my question really is: What are the problems / brawbacks with running the twisted reactor in a non-main thread, provided all calls to the reactor are done through twisted.internet.blockingCallFromThread?
I have used threads with Twisted and Stackless and found I took a performance hit. Also I found it prudent to heed the advice and try not to mix threads with Twisted (or Stackless) Cheers, Andrew ____________________________________________________________________________________ Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us. http://surveylink.yahoo.com/gmrs/yahoo_panel_invite.asp?a=7