On Mar 15, 2017, at 8:28 AM, Роман Мещеряков <romanmescheryakov@yandex.ru> wrote:

> Are you running the latest `tox`? (tox --version == 2.6.0)
> This is not the first time you've run 'tox', or it would have the 'narrativedocs create' line above.  Did you see what happened on the earlier runs?  Did they all fail?

Yes, they all failed. I don't have tox output from previous runs. As I remember, the first 'tox -e narrativedocs' run failed because of missing libffi dependency, so this is possible first step one needs to reproduce the problem with running 'narrativedocs inst-nodeps' instead of 'narrativedocs create'.
> Did you copy this development environment from another machine, or move it to a different folder?
> Can you try re-creating the virtual environment?  Either `tox -r -e narrativedocs` or `rm -fr build/; tox -e narrativedocs`
I tried the `tox -r -e narrativedocs` command and it succeeded! Docs built successfully.
Thank you Glyph for helping :) And thanks to all who responded as well! :)

You're welcome!  Glad we got you up and running, sorry we couldn't figure out what the problem was.

One thing that is left unclear to me: the `narrativedocs installed` line in the tox output contains a long list of installed modules. Where were they installed? Because `pip list` doesn't show me them neither for the virtual environment which was active when I run tox nor for the global list.

`tox` is a tool which creates multiple virtualenvs for testing a project in multiple configurations, and for running multiple tasks associated with a project.  (Like, for example, generating narrative documentation.)

Twisted is weird and puts its tox venvs in 'build/<envname>'; normally they're in '.tox/envname'. (see http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/9040).  You can find your venv in build/narrativedocs.
