Hi All, I have a latency sensitive application that gets affected when it is moved between cores or the system has to wake from idling. I would like to run the thread in as tight a loop as possible and to do this i need to cause epollreactor to busyspin on receiving data. I have worked out how to do it by editing the twisted code directly by hard coding the value of `timeout` to be 0 at this location in the code https://github.com/twisted/twisted/blob/f074ba3d5083aa1503abcf194aece327e7f8... Is it possible to actually set this on the reactor in a more sensible way so I don't need to patch the twisted codebase. ? Below is basically what I am doing. ``` def doPoll(self, timeout): """ Poll the poller for new events. """ + timeout = 0 - if timeout is None: - timeout = -1 # Wait indefinitely. try: ``` Cheers Tim Hughes