I just put out 0.8.7, a bugfix release for .6, which was leaking resources until the webserver crashed, for a second time (while the release was on freshmeat's front page :-\). There are still a number of known problems, which continue to baffle me: twisted.protocols.http is buggy, especially _parse_command. I don't know why, yet: it *looks* right... There regular tracebacks in /var/www/twistd.log, and I'm pretty sure it's not because of a proliferation of buggy HTTP clients. These didn't appear before. POST doesn't work if you're in germany. Nobody can see this problem except for Jürgen, and then only to twistedmatrix.com; however, I think that it's a real bug. I am vaguely suspicious that this has something to do with protocols.basic.LineReceiver prematurely closing the process's connection, but I have absolutely *no* idea why. CGIs work flawlessly for me, both GET and POST, and I've constructed some pretty pathological tests. This whole incident indicates the need for a better testing procedure; now that people actually rely on twistedmatrix.com to do stuff, I think that the release process should take a few days in order to ensure that *all* aspects of the code are tested. Proposals for something more formal will be gladly accepted :) -- ______ __ __ _____ _ _ | ____ | \_/ |_____] |_____| |_____| |_____ | | | | @ t w i s t e d m a t r i x . c o m http://twistedmatrix.com/users/glyph