On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 7:37 PM, Gelin Yan <dynamicgl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 5:50 PM, bret curtis <psi29a@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 7:51 AM, Gelin Yan <dynamicgl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 5:05 AM, Clayton Daley <clayton.daley@gmail.com> wrote:
Are there any major disadvantages of using pymongo with callInThread instead of txmongo? I'd like to take advantage of some newer features in pymongo (unfortunately not available in txmongo) and it's certainly easier to maintain feature parity using callInThread.
Clayton Daley
Hi Clayton
Txmongo has been inactive for a while so I suggest using pymongo & twisted thread pool. I have been using them for a couple of years and they work quite well.
gelin yan
Hey guys,
just wanted to drop in and say that txmongo isn't dead. We (Amplidata) just recently sent a merge request to add SSL (authentication/encryption) support[1] that Alexandre will review after the holidays. While Alexandre isn't currently developing txmongo, he does review and accept pull requests. So while the community is small, it is still alive.
Amplidata (the company I work for) has also expressed an interest in getting txmongo up to speed with PyMongo, similar in how we got Ldaptor and its myriad forks to converge and development happening again.[2][3]
Is there any interest in seeing txmongo be developed further? What are some of the pain points that people would rather defer to thread PyMongo instead of using async txmongo?
Cheers, Bret
Hi Bret
I am glad to know txmongo is still here. I used it several times a few years ago and was impressed by its speed (twice faster than pymongo & thread pool).
I hope txmongo can support the latest GEO index & replication.
gelin yan
Hello Gelin, You should check out our other thread about getting TxMongo moved into Twisted's github org. https://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2015-January/029144.html There is already some support for Geo and replication, but it could always use more work. What is it specifically you would like to see, aside from everything. ;) https://github.com/fiorix/txmongo/blob/master/txmongo/filter.py ^-- Support for GEO2D and GEOHAYSTACK spatial indices were added in 2012. When you specify your hosts in ConnectionPool, you can give it a full mongodb URI that includes all your replication servers, even with SSL support. It is smart enough to cycle through until it finds a master to continue operations. I'm still trying to a compile a list of pain points that people have that can be addressed. The more specific, the better. Cheers, Bret