Hi everyone, I would like to help Twisted by adding documentation or reviewing existing documentation. However, I don't see many (any?) unassigned tickets regarding documentation of specific items, and because I am quite new to Twisted this makes it hard for me to determine where you wish I would focus my attention. Where should I focus my attention? Want to open some tickets for me to claim? Is adding to API docs more important than updating the examples and howtos? It looks like to add to the API docs you just update the doc strings for functions and let someone let pydoctor do its magic later. Is that true? Is there a special Twisted pydoctor incant to see how they'd look on the web before doing any hasty patch-submitting? I'd like to update http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/ContributingToTwistedLabs to include some of this information as well as help I got earlier for updating xhtml documentation. Thanks, -Jessica