+1 for the logos! -1 for suggested prefix, especially if it's "Twi" - this renders virtually any project name unpronounceable. ;-) Anyway, the Twisted coding guidelines are largely about creative, unambiguous naming. I for one find "py-" names obnoxious, especially since they actually *increase* the chance of a google namespace collision. (What would you name your twisted-based IRC bot? twibot? Too bad three other people did that.) _____________________ *Cory Dodt* basileus augustus codesaurus decipher 5250 n palm ave, ste 220 fresno, ca 93704 t: +1 559 256 0463 f: +1 559 436 6944 www.decipherinc.com <http://decipherinc.com/> On 6/30/07, Jonathan Vanasco <twisted-python@2xlp.com> wrote:
On Jun 18, 2007, at 1:05 PM, glyph@divmod.com wrote:
Thanks, too, for changing this so readily :).
It makes me think, though, that maybe we should have a suggested prefix for things-which-use-Twisted, since "py" is a little confusing there. Python has PyXXX, maybe Twisted should have TwiXXX or similar?
Personally speaking , It would be nice if Twisted a) had a suggested prefix b) had 2 logos put into the public domain i. a form of the logo for people who want to show support on their sites that run twisted ii. a "powerd by" logo for applicaitons built on twisted.
This would be similar to what Mozilla did with the firefox logos.
// Jonathan Vanasco
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