On Jul 31, 2009, at 10:25 PM, Itamar Shtull-Trauring wrote:
On Fri, 2009-07-31 at 15:37 -0400, Ying Li wrote:
version (currently 8.2.0) but this is meaningless to me. I think a big improvement would be putting in a small bit of context around the documentation , such as:
* when the howto/tutorial was last updated * what version (of deferreds/imap/whatever the howto/tutorial is about) the howto/tutorial was written for
What would be even more useful, although it would also be a lot more work, is to perhaps link to a diff between the code as it is now and as it was when the tutorial was written. Or just a changelog.
Could you file some bugs to that effect, so we don't forget these suggestions? Thanks!
Sorry for not being familiar with the overall system, but where would one put a suggestion regarding the overall date/time/version stamping of every document in the system? I'd be happy to propose a standard format but I'm not sure where to put it so it's universally applied (across all products). I know Jessica McKellar <jessica.mckellar@gmail.com> started working on the "ContributingToTwistedLabs" wiki how-to-edit-documentation docs. Can we get it in there, or where would be the best place to get this started? I've CC's Jessica to see how she thinks this might be integrated as well. Thanks, S AKA/ssteiner AKA/ssteinerX@gmail.com