I haven't had much bandwidth for working on this, but I did at least want to say thank you for doing this, it's extremely helpful :-)


On Sep 12, 2021, at 9:56 AM, Grégoire JUGE <gregoire.juge@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I kept working on pelican a bit: https://judgegregg.github.io/pelitwi/
(source: https://github.com/JudgeGregg/pelitwi)

All pages should be available, along with some fake index files to
reflect the current repository structure.
I added a navbar with a link to the index page and some links to
prev/next topic, as per the current rst doc (only for the first few
pages so far).

However, we're currently at a turning point (I think):
- adding these links implies to add 3 custom attributes to each rst
page (eg on the core/howto/index.rst file):

:prev_page_slug: twisted-core
:next_page_slug: the-vision-for-twisted
:navbar_link: twisted-core

These attributes are then used in custom Jinja filters during content

So, this would need to be done on every page in order to create a
"linked chain of links". Is it a good thing to have, or do we have other
plans for the trac doc ?

Besides this, I'll try to add the static file management for examples
files: via includes and static pelican file, as per my previous mail.

And finally there are still the API links missing. Maybe turning these
to regular links would be sufficient ?

Thank you for your feedback :)

Grégoire Juge
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