On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:37 AM, Stefan Reich wrote:
Dear 'Twisted' experts!
I have a quick question that I am sure one of you guys can answer easily:
What I want to do is open an incoming port on the router that connects my computer to the Internet. More precisely, I want my Python app do that automatically.
In other words, this is about punching a hole into a firewall.
I know that this is possible because there are applications that do that. Deluge does this, and Deluge uses Twisted. So I have tried to find out how/where Deluge tells Twisted to do this, but the Deluge sources are quite sizey, and I haven't found that particular needle in the haystack yet.
So, can one of you people enlighten me here? :)
Thanks & have a nice day! Stefan
I'm not sure about Deluge, but <http://divmod.org/trac/wiki/DivmodVertex> does some NAT hole-punching. It does it via sending UDP packets though, not by communicating directly with your router. Good luck; this is always an interesting problem ;). -glyph