Hello, I'm trying to connect 2 scripts (a server and client) xmlrpc. The server just needs to run a db query and return the result set to the client for display. Here's part of the server class: def xmlrpc_get_count(self): from twisted.enterprise import adbapi pool = adbapi.ConnectionPool("pyPgSQL.PgSQL", database="zach") return pool.runQuery("select count(*) from asdf") And part of the client class: def OnButton(self, event): from twisted.web.xmlrpc import Proxy proxy = Proxy("http://localhost:8080") proxy.callRemote('get_count').addCallback(self.UpdateCount) def UpdateCount(self, count): self.label.SetLabel(count) Here's what the client prints when I press the button: Unhandled error in Deferred: Failure: xmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault 8002: "can't serialize output"> I can understand that xmlrpc needs to serialize the Deferred object to send it through http. I'm guessing there's a reference to the ConnectionPool object contained in the Deferred, and it makes sense that you wouldn't be able to serialize something like that. Any ideas? BTW, the client is running on a wxreactor, if that matters.. Thanks, Zach