Hi, still me... In the Twisted 1.0.4 book -- I hope this reference is unambiguous enough, I have not seen more than one :-) -- there is a problem here and there with `~' being shown over the next character (`/' for example) instead of prior to it as intented. At many places, tildes are OK, however. Should I try reporting all problematic cases? I guess not, as the problem is likely to be the same at all places, and some global action could be taken. The example I'm currently looking at is at the end of page 136 (6. Web Applications; 6.1.2 Before we begin) on this quote: Make sure the `TwistedQuotes' directory is on your PYTYONPATH, put `webquotes.rpy' and `WebQuotes.html' in your `~/public_html' directory, and you are ready to go. The `~' and `/' on the last sentence are at the same character position. -- François Pinard http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~pinard