Steven H. Rogers wrote:
On Wed, February 27, 2008 08:48, Andrew Francis wrote:
Also I am not sure how the "open spaces" works. Is it another talk. Or is it a bunch of one on ones, or one to a few?
Last year there was a board in a high traffic area for reserving open space rooms and posting information about meetings in them. It was pretty dynamic. Some open space meetings were prepared talks, while others were just groups getting together to talk about a topic of interest, and I think some may have turned into coding sessions.
# Steve
Yes, despite higher numbers this year (887 registrants so far!) there is plenty of Open Space accommodation, and I believe the principle is to leave most stuff open until the conference actually begins. Checking on http://us.pycon.org/2008/conference/openspace/ I do see the phrase "Open Space scheduling happens at PyCon". I am giving a tutorial, so I should will be there to book the space in plenty of time, and the larger rooms will handle up to 50 people comfortably. We could probably register a BoF in advance, but I don't want to hijack what will really be a Twisted community event, and I don't know what people's schedules are (as I understand there may be other Twisted events). It would be really nice to get an idea of numbers to make sure that we have an appropriately-sized room. I was hoping we could do it after dinner on Friday or Saturday, in a fairly leisurely style - perhaps starting at 7:00 or 7:30 and repairing to the bar for liquid refreshments about 9:30? To encourage participation I will happily buy a drink for anyone who significantly advances my understanding of Twisted; on the other hand, lead me down a blind alley and you owe me a drink (unless I judge you are doing it just to get me hammered). Would that make it more fun? I should really be the only one on the spot here. I'll be wearing brown trousers ... regards Steve -- Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119 Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/