Hi Craig, Sorry for the delay and many thanks for your plan. I have also sent your plan to the Unofficial Twisted Software Foundation.
From what I can see we are stuck in bureaucratic process.
The plan needs to be approved by Unofficial Twisted Software Foundation and the Unofficial Twisted Software Foundation want to have a single plan submitted for approval. We now have 3 plans : Amber's, Craig's and mine..... and we see which plan to be sent to the Unofficial Twisted Software Foundation. Also the Unofficial Twisted Software Foundation will only consider plans for GitHub.com. No GitLab/Bitbucket/Jira/Redmime....etc We can try to keep tickets/wiki/website on Trac and only move the main repo + PR + hooks to GitHub. This should allow us to get rid of SVN and build the infrastructure on web hooks. Later we can consider migration to other tools... or extending the GitHub.com usage to Issues / Wiki / GitHub Pages...etc Until now we failed to coordinate toward creating a single plan and besides Glyph's comments on IRC, I have not received any feedback from the Unofficial Twisted Software Foundation for any of the plans. Can we plan an IRC/Google Hangouts meeting to discuss the plan? It would be great if someone from the Unofficial Twisted Software Foundation could also join. If you would like to see Twisted on Git and GitHub please consider joining the meeting. I have created this Doodle poll to help us schedule the date and time for the meeting - http://doodle.com/poll/4ys8m8qakav9u9f9 Thanks! -- Adi Roiban