Am 13.07.2018 um 08:35 schrieb Glyph:
DNS could be pointed at an S3-backed website to serve a maintenance message, at least. Not optimal, but better than ECONNREFUSED I would think. I'd be happy to set this up and foot the bill - if someone provides the content (I can make web pages but no one really wants that).
Please do so!
Although keep in mind that it is the DNS primary as well, so you'll have to update it with enough of a buffer that the secondary has cached the address by the time it goes offline.
I could also set this up on a Data Center in Switzerland; without spending a penny :). Only TLS is kind of a thing though, I'd probably generate LE certs to keep visitors happy and promise to delete those after the maintenance time-window. It'd make sense if that's kind of a no-go ^^. If it does sound like sth to do, just let me know in advance and I'll set up the thing + be available to trigger LE cert generation as soon as DNS is set up. (In that case, I noticed twistedmatrix.com doesn't have HSTS headers, so note to self: do not set those up :-D) As for content, I have a placeholder I've used in the past, which I've adapted to Twisted. Feel free to use/modify/not use at will. Preview: https://evilham.com/twisted_placeholder/ Source: https://evilham.com/twisted_placeholder.tar.gz -- Evilham --- This email is cryptographically signed and could have been encrypted. My key fingerprint: B265 7ED4 5F7A DD90 7F1D D5C7 5516 1BE6 0CE2 CB87 Learn how to encrypt your email with the Email Self Defense guide: https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/en/