Hey, I'm working on an app at the moment, part of which needs to grab a page from a website and parse the results. It will have to work in environments where connections have to be routed through a SOCKSv4 proxy but I can't find any way to specify a proxy using any of the Twisted classes. Is this possible? I assumed it was seeing as how it is a fairly common situation but the documentation/API haven't provided any useful information. Cheers, nnp Btw, my code currently looks like this : from twisted.web.client import HTTPClientFactory from twisted.internet import ssl from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.web import client class BugGetter: def __init__(self, url): ''' This class attempts to verify that a bug ID is a legitimate ''' self.url = url self.contextFactory = ssl.ClientContextFactory() self.scheme, self.host, self.port, path = client._parse(url) def getPage(self, bugId): self.bugUrl = ''.join([self.url, bugId]) self.hcf = HTTPClientFactory(self.bugUrl) self.hcf.deferred.addCallback(self.parsePage) self.hcf.deferred.addErrback(self.errorCallback) if scheme == 'https:': reactor.connectSSL(self.host, self.port, self.hcf, self.contextFactory) else: reactor.connectTCP(self.host, self.port, self.hcf) reactor.run() def parsePage(self): print self.hcf.status print self.hcf.message reactor.stop() def errorCallback(self, failure): print failure.getErrorMessage() reactor.stop() bz = Bugzilla('https://bugs.example.org/show_bug.cgi?id=') bz.getPage('9999') -- http://www.smashthestack.org http://www.unprotectedhex.com