On Mar 25, 2017, at 1:21 PM, Chris Norman <chris.norman2@googlemail.com> wrote:
What needs taking over on the mailing list side? I'd love to help out if possible.
Hi Chris! Thanks for volunteering. If you'd like to help out with infrastructure _generally_, there's a channel on freenode, #twisted-admin, where you can show up to discuss what's going on. As to mailing lists specifically; over a year ago now, I outlined a plan to migrate our mail infrastructure: https://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2016-March/030189.html <https://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2016-March/030189.html> Unfortunately, I never had nearly as much time to work on that as I'd thought I would; also, Mailgun is no longer a product of Rackspace; also, I no longer work at either Rackspace or Mailgun :). There's also the issue that the service that https://github.com/twisted-infra/lists.twistedmatrix.com/ <https://github.com/twisted-infra/lists.twistedmatrix.com/> deploys to, Carina, is shutting down: https://getcarina.com <https://getcarina.com/>. So we need to find a new place for it to migrate to if it's going to be a real thing. However, the generous open-source discount that Mailgun offers to Twisted remains in place. Originally, I'd been nervous about migrating twistedmatrix.com <http://twistedmatrix.com/> to Mailgun without having an alternate solution in place for mailing lists, because I didn't want to be blasting out any spam that we were generating via mailman and ruining our sender score there. I was also under the impression that more of the domain-name configuration had to match up in Mailman than actually does; experiments during the latest OS upgrade indicate to me that it's a relatively small configuration change. Disabling automatic subscriptions does seem to have mitigated that almost completely, and now we're on a recent enough OS that we'll get security updates for mailman, at least. Plus, Mailgun will give me better visibility than I currently have if we are generating such bad messages. As such I'll probably migrate our main mail delivery / forwarder pipeline to mailgun later today, allowing us to migrate individual addresses or lists to some other system rather than doing something all at once. Users with @twistedmatrix.com email addresses will need to get an SMTP password token from me in order to be able to properly send outbound DKIM-signed messages. I am pretty sure you all have alternate ways of reaching me :-). If I manage to screw up mail routing so bad that you can't reach me via this mail address, by the way, and you need to report a problem after this move, you can send messages to mail-admin-315569@glyph.im <mailto:mail-admin-315569@glyph.im>. -glyph