Hi! I'm looking for someone to be my body double for Twisted releases, taking over on alternate releases or when I'm busy (which seems to be all the time???? when did I become an adult, why did I do that). Ideally this person is up for this role on an ongoing basis, with a time commitment of four or so hours every alternating release (so every 2 months or so, hopefully). Plus, you'll need to be known by the team, since you then become the trust anchor for all the binaries we publish. The release process is a bit buggy here and there, and I haven't been the best at writing down workarounds/fixes for things, so also ideally the first release would be a collaborative one. Plus, we need to update it for the advent of built wheels, as well. If you have the time to spare, care about release management, and don't mind yelling at computers for a while, drop me a (private) email expressing interest and I'll get in touch. - hawkie