You may use getChild() on each child to traverse down the URL path (and doing whatever you want at each step) or, if as you say you want to make mainhandler just treat the rest of the url path as parameter data, then you can declare your resource as a leaf, as below (this just prints the dict of the request -- in particular look at the values for path, prepath & postpath). But see also the web howto's. ## reqdict.rpy (mainhandler) from twisted.web import resource def prettyDict(name,d): s = [] s.append('<table width="100%" border="0">') s.append('<tr><th align="left" colspan="2">'+name+'</th></tr>') for key in d.keys(): s.append('<tr>') s.append('<td width="25%">' +key+ '</td><td>'+str(d[key])+'</td>') s.append('</tr>') s.append('<tr>') s.append('</tr>') s.append('</table>') return '\n'.join(s) class TestResource(resource.Resource): isLeaf = 1 def render(self, request): return prettyDict('request', request.__dict__ ) resource = TestResource() ## Cheers, mario On lundi, juin 30, 2003, at 17:45 Europe/Amsterdam, Achim Domma ((ProCoders)) wrote:
I started playing around with twisted.web and want to map the Url to function calls with parameters. For example
should be call some 'mainhandler'. This should be a script which gets '/somefkt/parama/paramb' and knows what to do with it. What's the easiest way to do this?
regards, Achim
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