Itamar Shtull-Trauring wrote:
On Mon, 2005-05-30 at 14:35 +0200, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
3) Why into your demo the reactor.stop() work and into my code I receive this error: RuntimeError: can't stop reactor that isn't running I use the same code initialization of the demo.
You are not calling anywhere, as far as I can tell.
My understanding is you call reactor.interleave **NOT** with threadedselectreactor. For wx I use reactor.interleave(wx.CallAfter) in my App.OnInit method and it works fine. There IS an issue with the wx MainLoop not exiting when my last frame is closed (I think this is because wx still "sees" the reactor thread) so I use wx.GetApp().Exit() to terminate the wx MainLoop manually. Shawn Church