On May 24, 2016, at 4:10 PM, Daniel Sutcliffe <dansut@gmail.com> wrote:
The main reason I wanted to do the format-string translation is that it would allow the key/value pairs to be stored according to the same idiom that Twisted uses, and therefore be serialized to jsonFileLogObserver and consequently things like LogStash / ElasticSearch.
I kept the format-string args within a dictionary under the args kwarg to emit() for exactly the reasons you gave above but felt that translating a %-encoded string into the new-style that twisted.logger uses was likely to make the example much more complicated, and was frankly beyond my limited needs. There's probably a simple way to do this in Python that I am not aware of yet though...
I wrote a function to do this some time ago, and I forget the exact derivation, but somehow it ended up here: https://github.com/moreati/formatist -glyph