Hi, What do you say if Twisted buildbot would be change to automatically update dependencies before each test? I have pushed some code here https://github.com/twisted-infra/twisted-buildbot-configuration/pull/7 just to start the conversation. In this way, it should be much easier to add new dependencies or to update current dependencies... For example the patch from #7066 can not be tested on current infrastructure. I think the GitHub review is a better place to discuss this. I have used a similar approach on my project which depends on about 100 packages (runtime, buildtime, ex sphinx and testing) and the whole step takes 2 seconds (Unix/Linux/Windows) with a local cache and a local network PyPi mirror (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypiserver) With fixed version in dependencies, I never got any trouble. Cheers -- Adi Roiban