On Fri, 30 May 2008 15:31:36 -0500, Jack Moffitt <jack@chesspark.com> wrote:
I have to say, personally, there's pretty much no way I would ever name a project 'Twisty' anything ;-).
OK, OK, I get it. Everybody hates "Twisty" :). I should have been more careful to separate the specific suggestion of "Twisty" (which was just something that popped into my head) in my original message from the need for a word like this. I wasn't totally set on it.
I like Twisty. It's cute. Much better than some lame microsoft-like 2-3 letter prefix to the name of the package. Of course, I think any package called PyBlah is fairly lame too.
Seconded, for whatever such secondment is worth ;) I've heard so many people tell me that they won't use library A, or framework B, because the "name doesn't sound professional". The rationale is usually one of the following: 1. If the name is unprofessional, the code/community must also be unprofessional. 2. People I work with/for will ridicule me for promoting the use of any product with such a silly name; worse, I will lose credibility within my organization for having promoted the use of said product. Now, I'm not denying that these things happen, but my own perspective is that anyone who adopts either of the rationales stated above should not be attempting to use Python, much less Twisted, for their work. If you need acceptance and buy-in from people for whom a silly name is a deal-breaker, then you should just make your life easier and stick with products that you know will meet with ready acceptance inside your organization. Me? I like TwistyDownloader, TwistyMessaging, TwistyTweets, etc. Silly? Sure. Readily identifiable as being part of the Twisted branding universe? Yes. The latter is what counts, in my book, not some misguided need for "seriousness" or "professionalism". Heck, "Twisty" evokes fond memories of interactive fiction, at least for me. What more could a geek want? L. Daniel Burr