If you look in the commit, you'll see a comment about this problem... # This works for simple cases, unfortunately this widget doesn't have # appropriate mvc stack -- it only has itself I'm going to have to copy the stack each time I create a widget and store it in the widget so that later when a widget gets a modelChanged notification, the correct stuff is on the stack. Doing this will also help with Deferreds -- they'll run in to the same problem right now, when the deferred fires they won't have the proper things on the stack. I might get to this today, but I might not. Donovan On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 06:48 AM, Paul Boehm wrote:
hey, thanks for fixing the caching bug that quickly!
i think something else broke with your last few commits though:
this debug output is from getNodeView for a GET request, with no controllers working. i have a wvfactory_DetailLink in sam.web.serverlist.View, which the viewStack finds without problems:
31/10/2002 15:41 [*samclient*] [<twisted.web.woven.widgets.KeyedList instance at 0x83c17e4>, <twisted.web.woven.widgets.DefaultWidget instance at 0x83e6674>, <twisted.web.woven.widgets.DefaultWidget instance at 0x83e45ac>, <sam.web.serverlist.View instance at 0x83ae814>, <module 'twisted.web.woven.widgets' from '/home/paul/Twisted/twisted/web/woven/widgets.pyc'>]
now when i submit data to my controller, i get a different viewStack exceptions.NotImplementedError: You specified view name DetailLink on a node, but no factory_DetailLink method was found in [<twisted.web.woven.widgets.DefaultWidget instance at 0x840963c>, <twisted.web.woven.widgets.KeyedList instance at 0x83db2bc>, <module 'twisted.web.woven.widgets' from '/home/paul/Twisted/twisted/web/woven/widgets.pyc'>].
without sam.web.serverlist.View.
the relevant xhtml snippet for this is: <ul model="root/inventory" view="KeyedList"> <li id="emptyList">No Servers defined</li> <li id="keyedListItem"> <a view="DetailLink" model="name"> <span view="Text" model="name" /></a> </li> </ul>
root is a dictionary in my serverlist.Model, which has serverlist.View registered as View.
inventory is a Dictionary like class, which has registered for a DictionaryModel Wrapper with components.
as inventory is only a virtual model, imho the parent's view should propagate down to it's viewStack, which seems to work, unless a controller updates inventory.
what's needed to fix this? do i need to make inventory and/or root a real model and register a view for it ?
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