On 22/02/2022 7:44 am, Glyph wrote:
I’m in a similar place myself. I could probably put more effort forth if we could get a bit more of a small commitment from more other developers.  I do not want to spend my time as a full-time unpaid twisted maintainer, or simply slogging through reviewing old tickets while never developing any interesting new features myself.  But, it seems like unless I do, then my own feature development will simply languish forever at the end of a year-long queue.

It makes me wish we could have a sort of open source mutually-assured maintenance system, where we all put in some number of hours and get some small reward (like bragging rights, a little badge?) out of meeting that commitment.  But that also requires some volunteers[1] to go build it.

This trial maintenance is also something I’m definitely interested in, but I don’t think just a small commitment from me and JP would be quite enough to get it somewhere meaningful.

I would like to contribute more to twisted, but I've found the review process discouraging. I suppose I would call myself a "frustrated twisted developer".

maintaining trial is beyond my knowledge but are there any other small desired tasks ?

[I've not felt competent to do code reviews until I'd had *one* PR accepted]
