On Mon, Mar 26, 2018, at 10:39 PM, Glyph wrote:
On Mar 26, 2018, at 3:32 AM, Jean-Paul Calderone <exarkun@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 2:58 AM, Glyph <glyph@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:>>> Alternately...
The reason we're doing this at all is that Travis's macOS situation was pretty dismal when we last tried it. But then, the graphs on https://www.traviscistatus.com[1] at the time matched that experience: routinely there were build queues in the hundreds. Right now the "Backlog macOS Builds for Open Source Projects" shows a completely flat line, zero for the last 24 hours.>>> It might be worth trying out Travis again.
FWIW, I moved another project's macOS CI from Travis to CircleCI about a month ago because the Travis macOS job queue was so long. Counting queue time, CircleCI finishes those jobs around 6x faster than TravisCI.>> Maybe things have improved on Travis but they're still pretty bad.
That's a bummer, but thanks for providing the data point.
I guess I just needed to look during the PST workday... Links: 1. https://www.traviscistatus.com/