Hello, I'm trying to get to know the Twisted framework by extending the ircLogBot.py example. I want to be able to get a list of all names in a channel (by sending NAMES) and I want to rerun this every 5 minutes. I've been able to get the NAMES on a channel join by doing this in LogBot: def joined(self, channel): self.names(channel) def names(self, channel): self.sendLine("NAMES %s" % channel) def irc_unknown(self, prefix, command, params): if command == 'RPL_NAMREPLY': self.handle_namereply(*params) def handle_namereply(self, myname, channeltype, channelname, users): self.logger.log("Handling namereply %r %r %r %r" % (myname, channeltype, channelname, users)) The problem I face is that I have no idea where to put a LoopingCall to run this same command every 5 minutes. Where would be the best place to place this? Thanks in advance!