Ok, and there's any method to know when this object will be collected or if really don't have more references?. How can I know what users are logged for PB to test if these objects have been deleted correctly? thanks, Gabriel On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 13:42 +0000, exarkun@twistedmatrix.com wrote:
On 08:31 am, gabriel@cttc.upc.edu wrote:
Thanks! that works for me, now I set a Timeout in server and I can check if client is connected every 10 seconds. But now I have a last question about what's the better way to delete the User(avatar) instance when the logout is done. In my logout method I delete database entries about the disconnected user, but how can I do to clean User(avatarID) instance and where I have to do that.
The object will be collected by Python automatically when there are no more references to it.
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