Hi Ian

I ran into this just recently, but am not entirely certain I found the best solution. I needed to be able to switch the port the reactor was listening on without restarting the reactor. Here's how I did it:

    def startListener(self, port, interface=""):

        self.iListeningPort = reactor.listenTCP(
    def restartListener(self, port, interface=""):
        self.startListener(port, interface)

I'm not sure if doing this will have any unintended side-effects, but so far it seems to have done the trick. If someone else on the list could confirm this does what I think it does (and what Ian is looking for) that would be great.



On 8/1/06, ian.parker@facilita.co.uk <ian.parker@facilita.co.uk > wrote:
I have created an internet server that is started in a thread from a Python QT GUI.

I can call reactor.stop() and sucessfully get notified of shutdown and the run thread terminates, the TCP/IP listen port is closed.

When I restart it by calling reactor.listenTCP() and  reactor.run(installSignalHandlers=0) a second time I find that things don't work correctly. e.g. TCP calls are accepted and my protocol.dataReceived() is called but then calling reactor.callInThread(self.blockingMethod, data) does nothing. Also calling stop() a second time does not stop the  running reactor thread or terminate the TCP listener.

I have tried numerous options, and have been careful to avoid any conflicts with the GUI threads. It appears that the reactor is not being restarted correctly after stop() and a second run().

What I need is to stop and re-start the listenTCP.  Is there a way to do this?


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