I can browse to either URL in any browser, getPage() works fine on the external address, 404's on the localhost address.

Any insight greatly appreciated; this is about as simple a test case as there can be and I'm mystified as to why it's not working.  Of course, that probably means I'll feel like a complete moron when someone clops me on the head with the answer, but I can deal with that...



Just in case it gets mutilated by mail:


from twisted.web import client def showPage(pageData): print pageData reactor.stop() def handleError(failure): print "Error:", failure.getErrorMessage() failure.printDetailedTraceback() reactor.stop() if __name__ == "__main__": from twisted.internet import reactor # postRequest = client.getPage("http://localhost/w3c-validator/check") postRequest = client.getPage("http://validator.w3.org/check") postRequest.addCallback(showPage).addErrback(handleError) reactor.run()