Hi, Am very new to Twisted but am quickly finding that I like it. All my questions and comments involve Twisted 1.0.6 in combo with Python 2.3 on OS X. I've run into a problem while making a rough .rpy prototype of a mapping application (ala MapQuest) using the U of Minnesota MapServer's Python interface. I will need to have server-side handlers for javascript events to allow map zooming, panning, &c and so have been experimenting with LivePage. I intend that the code should render a map image, and upon clicking the image, we zoom into the map (changing model data), and redraw the map image. Unfortunately, browsers are unable to load the mapserv.rpy/?woven_hookupOutputConduitToThisFrame=1 URL that is generated by my instance of LivePage, and so the map is never redrawn as it should. The model data does get changed successfully, and when I manually reload the page, I do see the zoomed map image as I expect. What is this 'woven_hookupOutputConduitToThisFrame' all about? Do I need to set up another method to handle this URL? I know that it's not recommended to put so much logic in the .rpy file, but as I said, a quick and dirty prototype is what I'm after. Am attaching the source of mapserv.rpy here: -------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import time from twisted.web.woven import page, widgets, controller, model from mapscript import * base_mapfile = 'navtech_std.map' # Get map object from the session data if we can class MapModel(model.MethodModel): def wmfactory_mapobj(self, request): session_obj = request.getSession() try: session_mapobj = session_obj.mapobj except AttributeError: session_mapobj = mapObj(base_mapfile) session_obj.mapobj = session_mapobj return session_mapobj # Widget for creating a temp map image and a tag linking to it class MapImage(widgets.Widget): def setUp(self, request, node, data): mapobj = data node.tagName = "img" imgobj = mapobj.draw() tmp_file = '%s_%d_%d.%s' \ % (mapobj.name, time.time(), os.getpid(), imgobj.format.extension ) imgobj.save(os.path.join('/tmp', tmp_file)) map_url = os.path.join('/tmp', tmp_file) node.setAttribute('src', map_url) node.setAttribute('height', str(mapobj.height)) node.setAttribute('width', str(mapobj.width)) node.setAttribute('border', '1') # Widget for displaying the current scale of the map class MapScale(widgets.Widget): def setUp(self, request, node, data): text = 'Scale: 1:%d' % (data.scale) newNode = request.d.createTextNode(text) node.appendChild(newNode) # Template, using the web conduit glue template = """<html> <body> <img model="mapobj" view="map_image" controller="map_ctrl"/> <p model="mapobj" view="map_scale" /> <div view="webConduitGlue" /> </body> </html> """ # Zoom into the map in the event of a javascript onclick class MyEventHandler(controller.Controller): def handle(self, request): self.view.addEventHandler("onclick", self.onClick) def onClick(self, request, widget): # Get session map object (layers and spatial extents) session_obj = request.getSession() try: session_mapobj = session_obj.mapobj except AttributeError: session_mapobj = mapObj(base_mapfile) session_obj.mapobj = session_mapob # zoom in on the map w = session_mapobj.width h = session_mapobj.height pt = pointObj() pt.x, pt.y = w/2, h/2 session_mapobj.zoomPoint(2, pt, w, h, session_mapobj.extent, None) print session_mapobj.extent.minx, session_mapobj.extent.maxx print self, "Zoomed!!!" # There is a better way to redraw the map, certainly request.redirect('http://localhost:8084/mapserv.rpy/') request.finish() # Page class class MyPage(page.LivePage): def wcfactory_map_ctrl(self, request, node, model): return MyEventHandler(model) # Resource resource = MyPage(MapModel(), template=template) resource.setSubviewFactory("map_image", MapImage) resource.setSubviewFactory("map_scale", MapScale) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- looking forward to any insights into LivePage and also looking forward to getting enough experience with Twisted that I can begin to contribute to the list discussions. cheers, Sean -- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com http://www.frii.com/~sgillies